A music app I made with a friend in less than 6 hours.
TuneScore is an educational app that allows a user to play displayed notes using an instrument and see if they were correct with what they played. The app utilizes the Tuna library to be able to determine what note is being played based on microphone input.
Working with a friend
This project was a class project for my friend Joelle McDonald. She enlisted my help due to my previous experience with iOS development. She laid out the requirements for the app as well as the designs for the iconography and other assets while I wrote the logic in Swift while using SwiftUI for the layout engine.

TuneScore supports a variety of different instruments and allows users to adjust whether they want to see questions with flat or sharp notes. They can also customize whether to see questions with the treble or bass clef and the max number of ledger lines a question can display.
Potential Future Features
If I were to add features going forward to this app I would consider adding the following:
- The ability for the device to play the correct note.
- A higher or lower feedback system to help the user.
- How to play a particular note on a specific instrument.
You can download the app for iOS, iPadOS and macOS here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tunescore-music-flashcards/id6738848208